Sunday, April 09, 2006

I Blame Stacy and Clinton

I promised Tyson I wouldn't go there ~~ that is, to the dark side of pointy shoe world but it happened. Not only did I go there, I ran there with arms wide open, ready to chuck out my heavy, clunky, sturdy standby shoes that TLC's What Not To Wear hosts Stacy and Clinton assure us are the most unflattering thing to wear since the polyester leisure suit.

With the goal of becoming more trendy, I set out to find the pointiest, most pinky toe squashingist, Wicked Witch of the West shoes I could find. It wasn't hard. Not only was it not hard, it came in multiples of colors. Ever the practical type, I stuck with black.

However, to make the transition less traumatic for Tyson (I say it was for Tyson but I suspect my underlying motives are suspect), I balanced the pointy pair with a pair that would be less lethal should I decide someone needed a good kick in the rear.

I'm not sure what my excuse is for buying these nose bleed height wedges. It probably has something to do with reliving the past and my wedges from the 1970's now that this trend is back. I'm pretty sure these cost three times as much as my wedges from high school and they'll probably last one third as long.

So, the proverbial monster has been made. I've never had a shoe fetish...happily subsisting on my tennis shoes, a pair of summer sandals and/or flip flops and a pair of black and a pair of brown "goes with everything" shoe. This has also been my trend with purses. I carry the same one for numerous years. Thanks to Stacy and Clinton, I find I can't stay off and the mall keeps calling my name. Thanks a lot Stacy and Clinton and...sorry Tyson.

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