Joel and I have come full circle. Babies came along shortly after we were married. We were consumed with talking about baby food intake...what food, how much, if they liked it. More importantly...we discussed poop. That's right. Poop. How much, the color, how what the boys ate affected the color and consistency. fairness to myself, Joel was the one obsessed by poop and its color. Now it's happening again. We find ourselves talking about how much Katie ate today, what type of food it was, how much she ate and if she seemed to like it. And, of course, that means we have to talk about if she poops, how often and where...not to mention the color and consistency. Yes, this is what we've been reduced to. No wonder Katie, after only two weeks with us, thinks she's the QOE (Queen Of Everything).
Of course, a discussion about our new child wouldn't be complete if we didn't brag on how smart she is. When eating outside with her bowl on the concrete patio pad, she gets frustrated that the bowl doesn't sit still as she pushes her nose to the corners of the bowl. So, she picks the bowl up with her mouth and carries it to the grass or dirt so it will stay still. How's that for critical thinking skills.
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