The clouds here in Spokane are certainly a lot different than the ones we had in Scottsbluff. These are dense, thick, grey clouds, sometimes white. They have more substance and create a different feel than what we are used to. have to understand this first. I'm a great lover of Christmas music. I have a mountain of Christmas CDs and was happier than a cat in catnip when we moved to Spokane and I found a station that plays non-stop Christmas music starting the day after Thanksgiving up through the day Santa delivers his wares. I love Christmas music in rag style, Latin style, Jimmy Buffet style, Blues styles, you name it. That is...Christmas music not heard until after Thanksgiving. I can forgive Wal-Mart and the department stores and malls for displaying Christmas wares before Halloween. That's business and it's the bulk of their business...but music stations playing Christmas music too early...hmmm...that's a different, um, tune. Joel and I were driving around today...November 12th. That makes this the day after Veteran's Day and way more than a month before Christmas and I couldn't believe my ears. The local radio station, KISS, played James Taylor's "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas". I'll have to admit it, I loved it, I wanted to revel in it and get all goosepimply but even I knew that if it starts now, I'll be gagging over Christmas tunes by December 1st and I don't want that. So, Stop The Insanity. I hope that's the last Christmas song I hear until November 25th. If not, I'm going to have to pull the radio plug (at least for a couple weeks).