My dear husband loves Crappie (pronounced craw-pee) as in the fish. Says it a holy fish. Oh. So, we go fishing a lot and I have yet to see one. Do they really exist and if they do, will I have an out of body experience as it's lifted into the boat? If it's so holy, why would anybody want to anger the Big Guy above by snaring it with a hook? Well, it finally happened. I caught a Crappie. I wasn't too impressed but I was anxious to see what all the hubbub was about. Nothing much to look at. It wasn't much of a fighter. In fact, I wasn't even sure it was still on the hook as I reeled it in. Joel fried it up for me on the camp stove in a little oil. I tasted it on crackers. Did I hear angels sing? Nope. Was there a heavenly glow from around the gutted darling? No. Did it taste good? As my little brother would say, "Yup".